The HUNTRISS Connection


Bill in mischief

I am sorry to say Bill has been in mischief for on Thursday after school he was going down the school steps his left ankle doubled under him him and he sprained it and so the reason is he will just miss examinations.

How are Fanny and the dog and all the other things getting on? I am glad to ...

...hear getting on with the Billiard room I wonder whether it will be finished when we come home - I hope it will.

I have hardly anything to put only that I have not broken anything yet or I have not got into any mischief that I know of. I have not any work to do tonight or tomorrow as examination has just begun.

At the bath here I can jump in of the side ...

... which is rather higher than the plunge pool at home, only these baths are much deeper than at home.

and now as I have nothing else to say and it is rather late I must say goodbye. I am your affectionate son