The HUNTRISS Connection


Self denial - giving up algebra

I am writing only for the sake of answering your letter because I have nothing to say. Bill is awfully lazy about sending the Guardian he has not yet sent the one for last Saturday week.

I went to the Crystal Palace on Monday and have ...

bought Isabel the little knife which I promised her though I nearly forgot. We had to go to church this morning and then to come home and go without pudding to practie self-denial and fasting. Dr Morgan has asked me if I should like to leave off algebra and do more arithmetic and bookeeping as I only got 80 minutes a week for arithmetic. I said yes because I thought as he told me that arithmetic was more good than algebra but if Papa does not approve of it I can go on as before.

I have nothing else to say so with love to all I remain your affectionate son.

PS Are you quite well again now? Please let me know a good long time before you come to London.