The HUNTRISS Connection


Too many silkworm eggs, too few tortoises, too much for Mr Hart

You must not expect a long letter as I am only writing to send Polly the silkworm's eggs amd I have just written to Lucy.

I got up shortly after 6 this morning and went to Greenwich to buy a tortoise but I did not succeed. If there are too many eggs ...

... Polly can easily give some away.

Yesterday we had an extra half holiday in consequence of Mr Hart's leaving the school.

It was rather inclined to be wet in the beginning of the day but cleared up in the afternnon.

On Monday afternoon we had a thunderstorm here.

Why Mr Hart left I don't know, I asked him and he said because we had given him heart disease, but that was all I could get out of him.

It is close on prayer time so with love to all I remain your affectionate son