See also

Family of Daphne Elizabeth HUNTRISS

Wife: Daphne Elizabeth HUNTRISS


Daphne Elizabeth HUNTRISS, 1933, age 26

Note on Wife: Daphne Elizabeth HUNTRISS (1)

Wilfred (Bill) Charles L Quiggin was born on 25 March 1907. As a boy he bought an 18ft rowing boat which his younger brother, Laurie, turned into a sailing boat. Bill played the saxophone & used to play in a band called the "Jack Cale Federal Band", with his younger brother, "Clarrie". Bill had a grocery shop in one of the two shops his mother bought (May had a drapery business in the first shop). On 28 November 1933 Bill married Daphne Huntriss. They had one child Pamela Quiggin. Bill became a Customs Agent in a firm called Brambles Ltd.


? not sure about her parents. NSW births records say mother = elizabeth





Australian Electoral Roll 1930.