The HUNTRISS Connection


Looking for dormice, finding Prince Arthur.

I made a mistake last night and told you wrong. The merit holiday is a fortnight today and I told you a week which was wrong; so if you can come down then I shall be able to spend it with you and I am nearly certain not to be asked to Wimbledon ...

as Richardson is going away for some time.

I am rather tired tonight as I got leave to go with someone else this afternnon to try and dig out some dormice, we went a long way but could not grab any out though we tried hard to.

I saw Lawes a short time ago and he wanted me to remind Ned to write; he says it is a long time since he did.

We are having very fine wather now almost as hot as summer.

As I was coming home today I saw Pince Arthur riding ...

with someone else.

I have nothing else to say so with love to all I remain your affectionate son.

PS This is possibly my last stamp