Family Tree

With details of over 3000 individuals contained within this site, presenting the information in a concise way is a challenge.

The table that follows provides a few different options – just click on a link within the right-hand column. The “Chart” option displays the tree in summary form – just click on an individual to show further information. Use the “Details” option to see a more detailed view, including photographs, census records and other information.


A complete list of all individuals related to the Huntriss family (and variants), including photographs and other information.

William Huntriss of Scarborough

Most of us who bear the Huntriss name can trace our roots back to Scarborough in Yorkshire to William Huntriss, a cordwainer (shoemaker) born around 1715.

Huntriss, Came, Foster and Jenkins

In 2014, the first of my four grandchild was born. This chart  provides a convenient way of collating research on the families of his four grandparents. The chart reaches back to Robert’s great (x9) grandfather, born in Cornworthy in South Devon around 1640.

James Watson

James Watson, born in 1778, was my great(x3)grandfather. This information shows my Lowry and Watson heritage.


Enter your details into the search box, and see your own details. The chart only shows a few generations at a time, but you can click on an ancestor’s name to see more.