The HUNTRISS Connection


Lecture on Inductive Electricity

I did mean to write to you but I can't think of anything to say, excepting that it has been very wet today which of course you won't care to hear.

I bought this little knife at the Crystal Palace for Pogey but for goodness sake don't let her try to write to thank me or if she does don't send it.

I only got your letter after the merit holiday but ...

I thought of those photos, though I did not get any for two reasons because I was not quite certain about the size and because I had not taken very much money with me. I am sorry I did not get some and chance them but if I go there again this term I will get some though I don't think I shall go again.

On Thursday night we went to a lecture on "Inductive Electricity" by Mr Hart but he smashed his last experiment thing though he showed us some very jolly ones.

Another fellow and I have just been letting our canaries have a fly about the ante-room outside the dining room. Some ...

... fellows are now melting a broken tumbler in the fire and etting the mlton drops from underneath.

Now with best love to all, I remain your affectionate son.

Please give this note to Ned in answer to a question which he once asked me.