The HUNTRISS Connection


Fellows, fun on the heath, and firearms

I want to know how I am to send you those drawings they are a good size but I can double them and will they have to go by Pattern of book post.

There are only nine left in this house. Will you or some one send me cousin Ellen's address I have forgotten it again.

A new master Mr Pearce the vice principal who only came last term has got Mr Pember's house he has only been married a few weeks and he can't make his boarders do what he tells them at all, he is a small man and stoops.

There are two new fellows in my form, twins they are so alike that we can't tell which they are from Montreal I believe.

Lee Church the one we go to in the evening is being altered so the Gymnasium is used instead on Sunday. This morning in Fenns Church it turned so dark that hey had to light up.

The other day that Richardson and I had a rare joke On the ...

... heath there were about a dozen eating pears, apples walnuts etc round a man's fruit basket so we two got hold of a hose and that the cricket ground is watered with and ran with it as hard as ever we could and knocked them all on their faces and spolt all their fruit that they were enjoying - I laughed till I cried.

The other night some of the fellows at Pearce's began began to fire bullets out of a pistol into their bedroom wall and they got 500 lines each for it and will only do 5 a day of them

It is almost time to get ready for church so I must conclude I remain your affectionate son

Pattern Post and Book Post

The Parcel Post service did ot start until 1883. The Book Post service was introduced on 1848; in 1863 the Pattern Post was introduced - a service for posting manufacturer's samples.