The HUNTRISS Connection


Canaries going cheap, Crystal Palace, corns and a paper chase.

Thank you for your letter and the stamps. I have got my merit holiday but have not gone away, though I have been asked for the next or next but one to go to Wimbledon and one of those two I suppose cousin Ellen will ask me to her place.

I have got two very nice cock canaries which I bought pretty cheap giving for one (a young one I think) 2/- it sings very well ...

... the other is just begiinning to sing. I gave 2/6 for it, a cage, and a lot of seed.

I don't suppose you have seen those photos. I got them in the village a few days ago at sixpence each, if you care to buy them from me you can at the same price but if not send them back - I am not particular which.

I shall have to go to the Crystal Palace tomorrow.

I was caught in a rather heavy shower of rain yesterday evening we are having rather wet weather here now.

My corn plasters are all done now. I used the last for the paper chase but my corn does not hurt at all now though it has not gone but I believe I have another coming.

I have nothing more tosay so with love to all I remain your affectionate son.

Give this note to Ned please